Wednesday, July 06, 2005

DMV in Oakland

so, while at the dmv and in a car line to get vehicle verification, a car crashes into my side door. The passenger door does not open now. An older gentleman who was in the driver seat of the Pontiac gets out, he feels awful, speaks no english and waits for his wife to approach me as she comes out of the DMV office. We work the system, her insurance only covers her butt if she is hit by someone, so I trust her,we exchange numbers and names and she says she will pay for the damage. On to the landfill to throw sticks for Lucha into the beautiful bay. Lucha does not like things in the sky. There were two kite surfers in the water. The bright yellow and black kites freaked Lucha, and so the walk was brisk and paranoid. The landfill is still there though and that is special, to have open wild land next to the bay, with trails through brush to be explored, and wild licorice.

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