I am back from my Whiskeytown Artist Residency. The temperatures were rising to 110. I had my fill of swimming and nature and cabin lounging. I finished a piece of work to donate to the National Park Residency Program. I forgot to take a picture of it. Whoops! Its a great piece though, I was very happy with it when I finished it. I'll miss the trees and solititude, but gosh its great to be home. I had an excellent interview for the Diablo Valley College teaching position, I did not get the job, but I am now in their sub-teaching pool of applicants. Maybe someday they will call me. They said it was a hard decision. I wonder if I had been there in person for the interview it might have worked out and I wonder if this is something I really want to do? I won't know until I try. I did get excited thinking about it though.